Buddhist Center Thessaloniki
Regular program
8:30 pm
8:40 pm
Short lecture on Buddhism
Meditation on the 16th Karmapa
8:30 pm
8:40 pm
Short lecture on Buddhism
Meditation on the 16th Karmapa
Upcoming events in the Buddhist center
At the moment, there are no lectures or courses planned. Please ask in the center for more information.
Buddhist Center Thessaloniki
If you want to learn to meditate, you are very welcome to our Buddhist center!
Our meditation evenings are free of charge and open to everybody.
Ethnikis Aminis str. 24,
546 21 Thessaloniki
Tel: +30 2310 277613
Tel: +30 6944 394194 Antonia Konstantinidou
Email: Thessaloniki@diamondway-center.org
History of the Buddhist Center in Thessaloniki
Since the late 1970s Lama Ole Nydahl has been visiting Thessaloniki to give lectures. The first Buddhist Center of Thessaloniki was founded then but had a short lifetime. Nevertheless, old karmic bonds and maturity of older and newer practitioners brought about the desirable development and the new Buddhist Center of Thessaloniki was inaugurated in November 2009.
Like all related Diamond Way Buddhist centers worldwide, its activity includes regular 16th Karmapa meditation, short talks on Buddhist topics and monthly lectures and courses given by Diamond Way Buddhism teachers.
A publishing house was also founded to publish Lama Ole books in Greek as well as the Greek “Buddhism Today” magazine.